Subject: DYWIDAG-Daueranker (Einstabanker) für Boden und Fels mit Stahlzuggliedern aus: St 950/1050 Ø 26,5 mm, Ø 32,0 mm, Ø 36,0 mm und Ø 40,0 mm
DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH
Neuhofweg 5
85716 Unterschleißheim
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 01/07/2023 until 01/07/2028
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valid from 30/06/2018 until 30/06/2023
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valid from 11/04/2015 until 29/06/2018
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valid from 03/04/2014 until 10/04/2015
abZ+aBG Change and addition
valid from 09/11/2011 until 10/04/2015
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 11/04/2010 until 10/04/2015
abZ+aBG Notification
valid from 11/04/2005 until 10/04/2010