Construction products detail

Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater with biodiesel, bio heating oil and ethanol contents

Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater with biodiesel, bio heating oil and ethanol contents are systems for treating wastewater containing up to 100% biodiesel and bio heating oil and up to 10% ethanol.

Regulatory framework

Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater fall under the Ordinance on the determination of the suitability of construction products and construction techniques under water law by means of verifications in accordance with the Building Codes of the federal states (WasBauPVO). 

Cf. WasBauPVO, Section 1(1)(g) 'Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater'.

DIBt grants national technical approvals (abZ) in combination with general construction technique permits (aBG) for these systems. The abZ/aBG serve to verify the suitability of the systems both from a construction and water legislation point of view.

The following approval principles are currently available:

Systems for limiting hydrocarbons in mineral oil containing wastewater with biodiesel, bio heating oil and ethanol contents (Zulassungsgrundsätze für Anlagen zur Begrenzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen in mineralölhaltigen Abwässern mit Anteilen an Biodiesel, Bioheizöl und Ethanol)

The approval principles covering this work area are not published, but are made available to the applicants during the procedure.

Die Zulassungsgrundsätze in diesem Arbeitsbereich sind nicht veröffentlicht, sondern werden im Rahmen des Verfahrens zur Verfügung gestellt.

pdf-Datei Hinweise zur Erteilung von Zulassungen für Anlagen zur Begrenzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Anteilen an Biodiesel, Bioheizöl und Ethanol (3 pages ) Stand: 17. März 2023

National procedure

A national technical approval (abZ) and/or oder general construction technique permit (aBG) is granted upon application (see Model Building Code (MBO), Sections 16a(2) and18(2) and (4)). This also applies to amendments and supplements to, or renewals of existing approvals and/or construction technique permits.

No formal requirements apply. The following information is needed: name and address of the applicant, description of the product and/or construction technique and its field of use or application, type of decision required (new decision, amendment or supplement to, or renewal of, an existing decision).

Please feel free to use the template below.