Construction products detail

Fittings, components and thermal insulation products for chimneys

Chimneys for solid fuels serve to discharge flue gases from the combustion of solid fuels into the outside atmosphere via an outlet above roof level. They can also be used to discharge flue gases from the combustion of oil and gas.

During the combustion of solid fuels, soot may accumulate on the insides of the building components carrying the flue gas and may lead to soot fires with temperatures exceeding 1,000 °C. For this reason, chimneys for solid fuels must be designed to be resistant to soot fire.

The chimneys must be designed in such a way that no flue gases can escape into living areas and surrounding building components are not exposed to excessive temperatures. In cases where resistance-to-fire requirements exist in accordance with the Building Codes of the federal states (Landesbauordnungen), it must also be ensured that the fire cannot spread to other storeys.

Chimneys for solid fuels can be designed as system chimneys or as custom-built chimneys.

System chimneys are characterised by the fact that a single manufacturer is responsible for all of the different components included in the modular design. System chimneys can be designed with multiple walls; the term 'wall' referring to the flue liner carrying the flue gases, possibly an insulation product and/or an air/annular gap and an outer wall.

Custom-built chimneys are assembled at the place of use from components that are either covered by harmonised technical specifications (harmonised standard or ETA) or for which national technical approvals (abZ) have been granted. The individual components can originate from different manufacturers and bear either the CE marking in accordance with the relevant harmonised technical specification or the German national conformity mark (Ü-Zeichen) in accordance with the relevant abZ.

Regulatory framework

In this work area, DIBt grants:

  • national technical approvals (abZ) for chimneys and/or parts of chimneys that are not covered by an ETA or the applicable harmonised standards for chimneys (system chimneys) or for parts of chimneys (custom-built chimneys);
  • general construction technique permits (aBG) for the execution of chimneys not covered by the execution standard DIN 18160-1.

National technical approvals and general construction technique permits can be granted together in a single decision ('combined decision').

European Technical Assessments (ETAs) can also be issued for chimneys or parts of chimneys that are not (fully) covered by a harmonised standard. For construction products covered by an ETA, a general construction technique permit for the application may be pertinent.

The harmonised technical specifications for chimneys do currently not include requirements and assessment methods for resistance to fire. For this reason, DIBt issues verifications for this essential requirement.

DIBt also grants general construction technique permits for chimney applications in highly insulated buildings which are not covered by the European test standards with respect to the determination of the distance to combustible building materials.

Voluntary verification (e.g. DIBt evaluations) is currently recommended for dimensionally stable insulation products used in the execution of custom-built chimneys.

The technical rules to be observed in the execution of flue liners include:

  • DIN EN 13384-1 – Chimneys – Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods – Part 1: Chimneys serving one heating combustion
  • DIN EN 13384-2 – Chimneys – Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods – Part 2: Chimneys serving more than one heating appliance
  • DIN V 18160-1 – Chimneys – Part 1: Design and performance

Please also note the relevant provisions of the federal states following MVV TB, Annex 8, Section 8.3 (2017/1) or Annex 14 (2019/1 and following).

pdf-Datei Muster-Feuerungsverordnung (MFeuV) Stand: September 2007, geändert durch Beschluss der Fachkommission Bauaufsicht vom 28.01.2016 und 27.09.2017; Fachkommission Bauaufsicht der Bauministerkonferenz EAD 060013-00-0802 Kit for system chimneys with outer wall made of concrete and clay/ceramic flue liner in combination with plastic or metal flue liner and additional duct (19 pages ) Version: February 2018; Decision (EU) 2022/381; EOTA EAD 360032-00-0803 Liner, made of glass fibres, mineral and organic substances used for relining of ducts for ventilation purposes (11 pages ) Version: February 2020; Decision (EU) 2022/381; EOTA

For the assessment of the above-mentioned construction products and techniques within the framework of the national procedures, DIBt prepares application-specific test plans. DIBt approval principles and preliminary test programmes form the basis for this. These are compilations helping to speed up the procedure.

The approval principles and test programmes in this work area are not published, but are made available to the applicants during the procedure. To date, the following compilations are available:

Preliminary test programme for definition of boundary conditions for determining the fire resistance duration of construction products for chimneys in accordance with DIN V 18160‑60 including thermal pre-treatment (Vorläufiges Prüfprogramm zur Festlegung der Randbedingungen zur Ermittlung der Feuerwiderstandsdauer von Bauprodukten für Abgasanlagen nach DIN V 18160‑60 einschließlich einer thermischen Vorbehandlung)

Preliminary test programme for definition of boundary conditions for determining thermal performance criteria for chimneys in highly insulated buildings based on DIN EN 13216-1 (Vorläufiges Prüfprogramm zur Festlegung der Randbedingungen zur Ermittlung der thermischen Leistungskriterien für Abgasanlagen in hochgedämmten Häusern in Anlehnung an DIN EN 13216-1)

docx-Datei Material data sheet (2 pages ) Version: January 2020; Word pdf-Datei Material data sheet (2 pages ) Version: January 2020; PDF pdf-Datei Guideline: How to provide drawings for national technical approvals and general construction technique permits (5 pages ) Version: July 2017

National procedure

A national technical approval (abZ) and/or oder general construction technique permit (aBG) is granted upon application (see Model Building Code (MBO), Sections 16a(2) and18(2) and (4)). This also applies to amendments and supplements to, or renewals of existing approvals and/or construction technique permits.

No formal requirements apply. The following information is needed: name and address of the applicant, description of the product and/or construction technique and its field of use or application, type of decision required (new decision, amendment or supplement to, or renewal of, an existing decision).

Please feel free to use the template below.

European Technical Assessment (ETA)

To start the ETA procedure, please submit the form below. We will then check if the prerequisites for issuing an ETA are met, i.e., in particular, if the product is not fully covered by an existing harmonised standard. If the prerequisites are met, we will check whether a European Assessment Document (EAD) covering the requested assessment scope already exists or still needs to be developed. If an EAD needs to be developed or amended, a complete technical file needs to be established before the procedure can begin.

Voluntary evaluations of fitness for use

Where the relevant harmonised standard is incomplete, economic actors can provide product performance information on a voluntary basis. DIBt offers independent validation and confirmation of such additional performance information in the form of a voluntary evaluation of fitness for use.